1.to behave in an uncontrolled and often violent way
1.The Moons chariot shall run amok in the Zodiac; the Pleiades will burst into tears. None of these will return to the duty expected of it.
2.In the West, there seems to be a strong tendency over decades to view robots as something evil, like technology run amok.
3.I cut out the page and stuck it above my desk: a warning of what could happen if innovation were allowed to run amok.
4.And there are many cities where an angry minority is ready to run amok: think of Budapest in 2006 or Paris in 2005.
5.When turned loose with no competition, invasive species can run amok in an ecosystem and send a park's native residents toward extinction.
6.Mr Hoshino trained in classical Japanese painting, but abandoned it for his love of manga (which means "pictures run amok" ).
7.An "inordinate number of hoarders describe themselves as artists, " the authors observe, adding, "Maybe hoarding is creativity run amok. "
8."It's more of a joke about the subjectivity of ecotourism and visions of control that run amok, or fail, " Rockman said.
9.The security forces and an array of regime thugs still run amok, killing, detaining and torturing protesters.
10.However, many see it another example of the media sensationalism and the dangers of human flesh search engines run amok.